Having received his MBA and JD, and taught business Law at Utah Tech University, Mr. Barlow is well qualified to instruct. His classes are:
When he is not teaching, he is spending his time on the Caribbean water or exploring a forgotten Mayan temple.
Married 27 years.
8 Children.
Grew up in Northern CA.
Owns some very large scars.

Let me give you a bullet point timeline of my experience, then I will go into detail about aspects that you may find relevant.
1997 Married to my beautiful and supportive wife.
2002 Graduated from Weber State University in Ogden Utah.
2005 Graduated from Loyola Chicago with a Master’s in Business and City Administration.
2008 Graduated from Willamette College of Law with a Juris Doctorate.
2008 Law Office of John Christian Barlow
2013 – 2018 Chief Legal Officer Community Translator Network.
2015 Adjunct Business Law Teacher
2018 – 2021 Chief Legal Officer – Pro Schedule Match.
2018 Founded Quest Crypto.
2022 Terminated Quest Crypto due to regulatory conflicts in the US.
2024 Restarted Quest Crypto in Switzerland.
2024 Started Future Guardians Academy.
In 2005 I began attending Willamette University College of Law. That was a very sleep deprived period in my life. Thankfully, I had the support and encouragement of my wife to get me through that time. Prior to this I obtained a Master’s in Business and City Administration from Loyola University in Chicago. This was back in 2003-5. Technology advances have eclipsed the research and study I did there, but nothing will replace the boots on the ground experience. And before that I achieved a Bachelor's degree in Technical English from Weber State University in Ogden Utah.
After law school, in my own law practice, I started representing clients who had issues with the way the banks were attempting to collect against their mortgages. I was the first attorney in the U.S. to get an injunction against Bank of America for wrongful foreclosure, and the Utah State Attorney General picked up my legal president and moved forward with sanctions against the illegal actions of the banks. ; ; .
After those cases were cleaned up, I then started to work with clients who had some financial issues with the SEC and or FTC. In all instances my clients did something that was not wrong, but in the gray. My job was to mitigate the damages and put them on the straight and narrow path.
During this time I took the opportunity to do adjunct teaching at Utah Tech University. I taught Business Law to 3rd and 4th year students. I designed my own curriculum based on the needs of the students. Part of the curriculum was an assignment for each student to create a business plan and then a financial and legal analysis of the business plan. Each student had to present in front of the class, and each student was required to pass a final that tested basic business acumen.
After this time I started to look at cryptocurrency. I developed a patent for a process of tying a token to real estate. As that process patent was evolving, we developed a dev team and began to code the token mills and create the legal and blockchain contracts validating the token against the real estate. We used 721, 1155, and 1400 series tokens. Our product was a hybrid FinTech / Crypto Currency. We had 2-3 shifts of 5 programmers each shift, and we had a staff of about 10 employees. A lot of my focus was on AML/KYC compliance along with the token development and payment industry because we had to make sure we exceeded the standards of the published regulations. We were working with Polkadot as a blockchain provider and Polymath to manage our investors and token purchasers. As we became more and more tech-savvy, we were able to achieve funding and hit milestones in programming and blockchain testing. Our love for the product and ability to have fun in the work environment provided for us an opportunity to be filmed for a show called Americas Real Deal in which entrepreneurs staged their product or services. We were able to acquire a contract for the production of tokens for VirtualCons . The minting quota was set at 1.5 Million. The company VirtualCons had a contract to purchase the home that was a filming set for the show “The Suprano’s”. They were going to create a virtual set inside the home and use the home as a tourist attraction. At the same time, we acquired a contract with AllNet Resort and Arena in Las Vegas for the production of #600,000,000 tokes that were going to attach to the equity of the real estate. The tokens were to be sold and the funds were to go to assist in the buildout of the project. The tokens could be redeemed later for goods and services at the resort. We had entire tokenomics, reward systems, and pay structures worked out for a large Las Vegas Resort. The business was growing fast and because people could see the value of tying a token to real property. We then began actively negotiating a deal with the Caribbean Country of Belize to create an NFT platform for the tokenization of their real property. They have a big issue with the real property records. The employees at the government level were taking bribes to record falsified deeds for the transfer of real property. The government approached us and asked if we were able to build out a system and economic structure that would ensure no more fraudulent transfers of real property. We met with the ministers and presented our plans and how a token system representing real property would be implemented and how the government would be able to maintain transparency with recording system.
At the height of the launch buildup, the SEC and FTC published regulations on crypto currency which essentially decapitated most startups dealing with cryptocurrency. During the development we mastered the US and EU cryptocurrency and fintech regulations and payment systems. We took Quest Crypto from inception to production and obtained over Six Hundred Million Dollars worth of contracts.
Today, my wife and I are working with high school age home school students. We are imparting our knowledge about the Central American region, specifically Belize. We are tutoring students and giving them the experiences they need to set themselves apart on their college applications.